School Handbook 2024-2025

Table of Contents






Contact Details


Mr. Richard Long

Head Teacher                    

Drumlemble Primary School           




PA28 6PN


           Telephone:   01586 810 240                      





School Roll and Stages


Present Roll:   27 pupils in P1-7; 5 pupils in Pre 5 Unit 

Class Stages: Pre- Unit, P1-4, P5-7


Pupils of all denominations are welcome.           

At present there is no Gaelic medium unit.



School Staff


Head Teacher                                   Richard Long

Depute Head Teacher                     Lynn McMillan (on maternity leave)

Acting Depute Head Teacher        Gillian McAllister

Principal Teacher                             Gillian McAllister

Class Teacher                                  Alix Brown

Class Teacher                                  Jo-Anne Martin

Classroom Assistants                     Tracy McArthur, Andrew Black, Natalie Smith  

ASN Assistant                                  Tracy McArthur

Childcare & Education Worker      Joanne Jarvie

Childcare & Education Worker      Natalie Smith  

ELC Classroom Assistants            Emily Walker

Clerical Assistant                             Tracy McArthur        

Catering Manager                            Kerry Hopes

Janitor                                                Andrew Black   

ELC Modern Apprentice                 Rachael McCallum  





School Day


P 1 – 7 School Day

Pre 5 School Day



Open                            8:45am

Open                                      8:50am

Morning Interval       10:30am

Morning Session Closes     11:50am

Lunch                         12:00pm

Afternoon Session               11:50pm

Afternoon Session   12:55pm

Lunch                                     12:00pm

Close                           2:55pm

Close                                       2:50pm


School Terms and Holidays


Holiday dates for the current and subsequent academic years, where already set, may be found via

Early Learning and Childcare Provision


All eligible two, three and four year olds are entitled to 1140 hours (pro rata) of funded Early Learning and Childcare (ELC).  1140 hours ELC is intended to support child development, help close the attainment gap through the provision of high quality services, and support parents to work, train or study.  ELC can be accessed through local authority settings, partner provider nurseries and childminders.  Parents can also choose to have a blended placement using more than one setting and/or childminder.  


Further ELC Information for parents is available via: 


Please see or call our Early Years Helpline on 01369 708503 for further information and for details of the nearest establishment/s offering early learning and childcare.   


Information about snack and meal provision within ELC settings can be found later in this document.


Our ELC day starts at 8:50am and finishes at 2:50pm. We have two Childcare and Education Workers and a Classroom Assistant working with our three and four year olds, providing a range of activities within our ELC Unit.


The children in our ELC learn through play, exploring both outdoor and indoor environments.


The inside setting offers a variety of activities including role play, sand and water play, and opportunities for exploring literacy and numeracy and investigation zones.


Outdoors the children have access to loose parts for building and play activities, a water wall, mud kitchen and growing areas.




Visits of Prospective Parents/Carers


If you wish to visit the school prior to your child joining, please contact the school office.


Once your child has been allocated a place you will be invited along to meet the staff and children, to find out more about the curriculum and to share information about your child.


Please see for further information.

School Uniform


The Education Committee recommended at its meeting of 21 August 1997 that – ‘the adoption of a distinctive dress code chosen to enhance the ethos of the school should be encouraged in all schools’.  Given that there is substantial parental and public approval of uniform, schools in Argyll and Bute are free to encourage the wearing of school uniform. 


In Drumlemble Primary School, the suggested uniform is as follows:


BOYS: Grey or black trousers or shorts, white or black polo-shirt, school sweatshirt


GIRLS: Grey or black trousers or skirt, white or black polo-shirt, school sweatshirt


PE KIT: t-shirt, shorts or jogging bottoms and gym shoes.


Please ensure that these are clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Please note that school uniform is not compulsory and it is not policy to insist on pupils wearing uniform or having specialist items of clothing in order to engage in all of the activities of the curriculum.  As such, pupils will not be deprived of any educational benefit as a result of not wearing uniform. 


However, there are forms of dress which are unacceptable in school, such as items of clothing which:

  • potentially encourage faction (such as football colours);
  • could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans);
  • could cause health and safety difficulties (such as loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings);
  • are made from a flammable material, for example shell suits in practical classes;
  • could cause damage to flooring;
  • carry advertising, particularly for alcohol or tobacco; and
  • could be used to inflict damage on other pupils or be used by others to do so.


All clothing brought to school should be labelled or marked in some way, as it is difficult for children to distinguish their own clothing from others.


School Clothing Grants


For information about School Clothing Grants, including the eligibility criteria, and to complete an online application form please visit   Alternatively, please contact Customer Services: Education on 01369 708548 or your local benefit enquiry office.

Parental Concerns


If you have any concerns relating to your child, please contact the school office in the first instance.


Pupil Absence Procedures


Parents are required to contact the school every day for any absence other than holiday. Council policy is that we will contact a parent if a child is absent and no communication has been forthcoming from the parent.  We may do this by phone or text message.


Early Learning and Childcare Attendance


A child’s entitlement to funded ELC will be 1140 hours (pro rata), generally arranged as 5 x 6 hour sessions over 38 weeks within the school year.  However, some standalone units are offering a different pattern of provision.  Information on what nurseries are offering can be obtained from each nursery or school or on the Council website.


Children who attend in a regular pattern settle well into the early learning and childcare routine, have the opportunity to build firm relationships with adults and peers and experience continuity of learning.  During the induction period however, adaptations are made to meet the needs of the individual child.


School Attendance


Parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that their children attend school regularly and arrive on time.  They are also responsible for ensuring the safety of their children on their journeys to and from school. 


Regular and punctual attendance is linked closely to achievement and school staff wish to work with parents/carers to ensure that children can reach their full potential.  The school is required by law to maintain an accurate record of the attendance and absence of each pupil and parents/carers are requested to assist in this process by keeping the school informed if their child is to be absent for any reason.


It is important to note that if a child does not arrive at school and there is no reasonable explanation provided for his/her absence then members of staff will be required to ascertain the whereabouts and safety of the individual child.  In order to avoid causing unnecessary concern for staff and parents/carers, the importance of good communication between home and school cannot be over-emphasised.


Planned Absence

  • Parents/carers are encouraged not to arrange family holidays during term time but it is realised that, in exceptional circumstances, this is unavoidable. In such cases, parents/carers are asked to seek permission from the Head Teacher and provide information of the dates when the child is to be absent from the school in good time.


  • Except in cases of emergency, planned appointments for children to attend the dentist or doctor should be made out with the school day.


Parent / Carer Contact Details


Parents/carers are asked to ensure that telephone contact numbers – home, work and emergency contact(s) are kept up-to-date and are numbers at which a response can be obtained in all normal circumstances.


The Complaints Procedure


A complaint is ‘an expression of dissatisfaction about the Council’s action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of the Council’.


Complaints can be notified in person, by phone, by email or in writing to the Head Teacher.  If parents/carers have cause for complaint they should contact the school in the first instance to make an appointment to meet with the Head Teacher or member of the management team.


If you remain dissatisfied in relation to a complaint after you have been to our school you can escalate a complaint by contacting




We communicate regularly to all parents/carers through School Newsletters. For specific activities and events involving groups or classes we issue separate letters. In common with other Argyll and Bute schools we use a communication system called Groupcall / Messenger 5 to communicate with parents/carers by email, letter, app notification or text.


We have an established Facebook page in which we share information about school events and learning activities and celebrate school achievements.


Our school website provides up-to-date information about the school.


We hold termly Parent / Teacher appointment sessions to give parents/carers the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and to see their child’s work.


We use the Seesaw website and app to share children’s learning with all parents on a regular basis to keep them up to date on their child’s progress.



Argyll & Bute’s Parental Engagement Strategy may be viewed at:



A range of activities are provided by teachers to support learning in Literacy, Maths and other curricular areas. Google Classroom can be used for the setting of activities. Reading and spelling homework is set on a weekly basis.

Becoming Involved in School


All schools have a Parent Council – to get involved please contact the school.  Schools will also issue specific information related to this at the start of the school year.


The school values the important part that parents/carers play in their children’s education and sees partnership with parents/carers as an effective way of enhancing children’s achievements and promoting better school ethos and communication.


Opportunities for Parental Involvement


Examples of opportunities for parental involvement are as follows:


During the school day:

  • Helping in the early learning and childcare class
  • Art/Craft activities
  • Sharing knowledge and expertise in some aspect of the curriculum (e.g. topic talk), history, science, health
  • Practical activities in science, maths, social subjects, health education (e.g. first aid) or technology
  • Reading stories to groups of children, playing reading/phonics games
  • Supervising board games
  • Teaching playground games
  • Fun 31 activities, e.g. board games, art and craft in small groups
  • Running or assisting to run a Lunchtime Club
  • Supporting educational visits/trips
  • School concerts – making costumes, props, supervision of children
  • Road safety – Cycle Training

Out with the school day:

  • Fundraising events
  • Trips, e.g. sporting events, concerts
  • Wider-curricular activities, e.g. coaching, sports/art clubs/country dancing/school grounds – maintenance of garden/allotment areas


If you wish to be a regular parent helper, PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) checks must be completed.  Please discuss this with staff.


Parent Councils


Parent Councils are now established in all secondary schools and almost all primary schools within Argyll and Bute.  The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 recognises the vital role that parents/carers play in supporting their children’s learning.


The basic principle underpinning the Act is the desire to have children become more ‘confident learners’ through closer working between each family and school.  It is anticipated that this can be done in three ways.  These are: –


  1. Learning at Home: direct parental involvement in the child’s learning at home and in the community.  

  2. Home/School Partnership: closer working partnerships between parents/carers and the school – such partnerships being essential to ensure that the child gets maximum benefit from their school experiences.     

  3. Parental Representation: Parent Councils will be parent/carer led and school supported, with all parents/carers being automatic members of the ‘Parent Forum’ and the Parent Council representing their views.    


You can find out more about your Parent Council by contacting the Head Teacher.


Parentzone Scotland and the National Parent Forum of Scotland


More information for parents is available from Parentzone via or the National Parent Forum of Scotland (secondary only) via






In our school we are committed to providing appropriate opportunities for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural values through both the ethos and the curriculum.  This will be undertaken in partnership with parents/carers and will take account of the individual needs of pupils and the views of parents/carers.


Our Vision, Values and Aims set out the key aspects of our ethos and approach to school life and have been created with our pupils.


Our vision is:


To create a safe, welcoming and nurturing environment which enables children to develop academically, socially and emotionally, and to reach their full potential as individuals.


Our values are:

  • Kindness
  • Respect
  • Tolerance
  • Inclusion
  • Endeavour
  • Perseverance


Our aims are:


  • To provide the children with a sound educational base on which to build.
  • To encourage children to have awareness of the importance of a healthy body and mind.
  • To embed a positive ethos in which children are caring and responsible towards each other and the environment.


Our school welcomes and encourages diversity and individuality, while emphasizing our common commitment to moral values such as honesty, respect for others, compassion and justice.  Fundamental principles of our school are that all who are involved in the life of our school have the right to be respected as individuals and carry the responsibility to act in a considerate and respectful manner towards others.  We are firmly committed to the elimination of any form of discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender or disability.


We have recently been awarded Bronze status as a Nurture School and as a Rights Respecting school and are working towards silver awards. Nurture and Rights Respecting School are key parts of our Improvement Plan and are high on our agenda, with involvement of pupils through assemblies and class activities.


The school plays an important role in the local community, maintaining links with individuals and agencies such as health, LiveArgyll, the police, local businesses, cultural and voluntary organisations and the church, and, thereby, enriching and broadening the children’s experience


Through our work as a Nurturing School and a Rights Respecting School, and through our provision of a wider range of activities linked to the community, we promoting for our pupils positive behaviour, good relationships, motivation and interest in the wider world.



School and Community Links


We are linked to partner schools through the shared Head Teacher arrangement across Carradale, Castlehill and Drumlemble Primary Schools. This leadership structure involves the Head Teacher and a Depute Head Teacher working across the three schools. We are continuing to develop the links and sharing of expertise across the schools, while fostering the unique identity of each school.


The school works closely with other organisations in the community:


  • Liaising with Campbeltown Grammar School. A number of students benefit from work experience placements in Castlehill, providing positive role models for our children.
  • Working with LiveArgyll and Active Schools to provide a range of sporting activities for children.
  • Promoting and encouraging children’s involvement in clubs and activities within the local area
  • Liaising with the local church, for example, for end of term services.
  • Linking with Campbeltown Picture House through our involvement in Into Film screenings
  • Linking with the local Machrihanish Airbase Community Company who have hosted learning activities for all schools in South Kintyre.
  • Working with the Oral Health Team to provide learning activities and access to tooth brushing and fluoride varnishing.
  • Liaising with local Police Officers to provide, for example, guidance on internet safety.
  • Working closely with external agencies and providers to support children in their learning and well-being.
  • Liaising with Heath and Children and Families Team multi-agency partners in GIRFEC working procedures and in meeting the health needs of all pupils.


The school has an open policy towards building relationships with individuals and organisations in the community to support pupils in developing their skills for life, learning and work and in enabling partnership work that benefits both the school and our partner organisations.


We are very grateful to everyone who contributes to and supports all the worthwhile projects that take place in the school.

Positive Relationships


Positive relationships are essential to good learning.  The general aim of the school is to provide an atmosphere of mutual respect and collective responsibility.  Pupils, parents/carers and staff all have an important part to play in producing and sustaining this positive ethos.  The expectations of the school are of a common sense nature, bearing in mind the rights, interest and safety of all concerned.


Our school expectations are as follows:-

  • Be kind
  • Show respect to all
  • Persevere in work and play
  • Let other people join in
  • Care for our environment

The children are learning about their Rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and these are embedded in the daily life of the school.


Playground and Classroom Charters are being established through discussion between staff and pupils. These are based around the Rights of the Child and encourage the children to take responsibility to ensure these Charters are followed.


We value good behaviour and regularly praise and reward students for good behaviour, positive social skills, commitment to the school community, and progress and attainment throughout the school day in a variety of ways. The school is often congratulated on the way our students behave, especially on trips and educational visits. We have many different ways of rewarding our students:

  • Verbal Praise
  • Special privileges.
  • Positions of responsibility.
  • Star Awards and Well Done Card in Assemblies
  • Displays of pupils’ work
  • Each class has its own reward systems. These are based on the school values and focus on individual as well as group achievements.


When children are observed breaking school rules and/or being disrespectful in any way, we will follow these steps:

  • Verbal warning using language that states clearly how we would like the behaviour to change.
  • A choice is given e.g. you can choose to stop this behaviour now or I’m going to have to move your seat/talk to the Head Teacher/Depute etc.
  • If the behaviour continues, a member of the Leadership Team should be notified.
  • If, following intervention from Leadership Team, the behaviour continues, parents should be notified.
  • The child, teacher, parent and Leadership Team will then work together to develop an approach to managing behaviours, including clear, agreed consequences. This should be personalised to suit the child and the behaviours being observed.



Argyll and Bute’s Anti-Bullying Policy may be viewed at:



We are committed to developing, implementing and reviewing our school anti-bullying policy in line with all aspects of the Argyll and Bute’s Education Team’s Anti-bullying Policy.


We aspire to be a safe learning community which ensures all pupils are supported, nurtured and feel included. We promote and celebrate differences by respecting the beliefs and opinions of others and build positive relationships and behaviour so that bullying is seen as unacceptable behaviour.

All members of our school community are responsible for implementing it so that every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.


This partnership approach ensures that everyone understands the needs, expectations, concerns and capabilities of each partner, and what they can expect to happen if bullying occurs.


As a rights respecting school we uphold children’s rights and are aware that bullying is a breach of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child:


  • The right to protection against discrimination (Article 2)
  • The right to an opinion and for it to be listened to and taken seriously (Article 12)
  • The right to protection from violence, abuse and neglect (Article 19)




Celebrating Achievement


Children work hardest when they know their work will be appreciated and praised.  All staff encourage pupils at all times and in all activities to give their best.  Their effort may be rewarded verbally by praise, or non-verbally by gaining stamps, stars or tokens as part of the class reward systems.


The whole school celebrates achievement by giving certificates to reward pupils for good work, effort or kindness shown to others.


Wider-Curricular Activities


Extra-curricular activities take place depending on the expertise and availability of staff. Clubs have recently included football, gardening, tennis, rugby training, boccia and STEM.


Clubs and activities organised by Active Schools have included multi-sports clubs led by Young Leaders from the Campbeltown Grammar School, virtual games and golf.


Parents and carers are very welcome to help and support the running of clubs.


Pupil Council


Drumlemble Primary School respects the opinions and views of all pupils and as such all children from P1-P7 are involved in discussions about school life through assemblies.


This year we have used the Pupil Council and Sports Council Groups to consult pupils on decisions about resources and events. All pupils contribute to discussion about the academic targets on the School Improvement Plan.





Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the Scottish National Curriculum which applies to all children and young people aged 2-18, wherever they are learning.  It aims to raise achievement for all, enabling children and young people to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to succeed in learning, life and work.


The Four Capacities – the curriculum aims for all children to become:


  • Successful Learners
  • Confident Individuals
  • Responsible Citizens
  • Effective Contributors


The Eight Curriculum areas are:


  • Expressive Arts – including art and design, dance, drama and music
  • Health and Wellbeing – mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing; PE; food and health; substance misuse; and relationships, sexual health and parenthood
  • Languages – listening and talking, reading and writing in English and modern languages, plus classical languages and literacy, and Gaidhlig/Gaelic learners (where available)
  • Mathematics – including analysing information, solving problems and assessing risk
  • Religious and Moral Education (denominational and non-denominational) – learning about Christianity, other world religions, and developing values and beliefs
  • Sciences – understanding important scientific concepts across planet Earth, forces, electricity and waves, biological systems, materials and topical science
  • Social Studies – understanding people, place and society in the past and present including history, geography, modern studies and business education
  • Technologies – including computing science, food, textiles, craft, design, engineering, graphics and applied technologies


Additional important themes across the curriculum are creativity, enterprise and global citizenship, which include sustainable development, international education and citizenship.




Learning Opportunities


Your child will learn in a variety of different contexts and groups including ability, co-operative and social.


Curriculum Levels


There are national levels to describe different stages of learning and progress.  For most children the expectation is:


  • Early Level – early learning and childcare to the end of P1
  • First Level – to the end of P4
  • Second Level – to the end of P7
  • Third and Fourth Levels – S1 to S3, with the fourth level broadly equivalent to SCQF level 4
  • Senior Phase – S4-S6, and equivalents in other settings, where pupils/students can continue to develop the four capacities and achieve qualifications


The Senior Phase


The Broad General Education in secondary schools continues from S1 to S3.  All children will develop an S3 profile that describes their learning and achievement from S1 to S3.  During S3 (normally January or February), pupils will be asked to choose the courses that they will follow in S4.  It is these S4 choices that lead to national qualifications.


Each school will design a senior phase that best meets learners’ needs, whether that is continuing in school, learning full or part time in college, community learning or work-based learning or a combination of these.  For example, it may be possible to pick up specialist subjects and work placements that can help young people get real experience of the industry or sector that interests them.


Each young person will, in practice, have discussions with teachers and parents/carers to discuss and decide the subject choices that best suit them for the Senior Phase.


Skills for Learning, Life and Work


The development of the skills for learning, life and work are the responsibility of all practitioners and include literacy, numeracy and associated thinking skills; health and wellbeing, including personal learning planning, career management skills, working with others, leadership and physical co-ordination and movement skills; and skills for enterprise and employability.


Through Curriculum for Excellence children and young people are entitled to a continuous focus on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing.  These skills are essential if children and young people are to gain access to continuous learning, to succeed in life and to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle.  The use of ICT underpins these overlapping and mutually supportive skills sets; ICT skills will continue to be developed in a variety of contexts and settings throughout the learner’s journey.


All children and young people are entitled to opportunities for developing skills for learning, life and work.  These skills are relevant from the early years right through to the senior phase of learning and beyond.


16+ Learning Choices


16+ Learning Choices is a guaranteed offer of a place in post-16 learning for every young person who wants it. This is the Scottish Government’s model for helping young people to stay in learning after the age of 16.


16+ Learning Choices looks to help reduce youth unemployment in Scotland and to contribute towards economic growth. 16+ Learning Choices seeks to equip all young people in Scotland with the skills and knowledge they need post-school to achieve their full potential and find a positive destination in further education, training or employment. 16+ Learning Choices is seen as an integral part of Curriculum for Excellence.


The Pupils’ and Parents’ Voice


Personalisation and choice is one of the seven principles of curriculum design and children and young people throughout their education will have the opportunity to discuss with their teacher the context in which they learn and how they will approach the learning.  Staff will discuss new learning with the children at the beginning of a new topic and plan together the areas of specific focus, e.g. World War 2 – The Battle of Britain.  This will be shared with parents/carers through the homework diary and parents/carers will be invited to support the learning by sharing resources from home, e.g. a ration book, or by visiting the school to deliver a talk.


Parents/carers will be invited to share comment regarding the planned work for their child at various points throughout the year and are encouraged to feedback comment at any time through their child’s homework diary.


The Curriculum at School, Local and National Level


We provide parents with an overview of the curriculum areas and topics that will be covered in during the school year.


We also provide information sessions for P1 and ELC parents about what they need to know about the curriculum for their child starting school / ELC.


We use two online platforms, Seesaw and Google Classroom that can provide additional information for parents about the learning their child is involved in.

  • Seesaw enables teachers to share work a child has completed at school and provide regular updates on their learning.
  • Google Classroom enables teachers to set home learning or post class learning for children to revisit at home. Children can actively share their learning with their parents.


We also use Facebook to let all parents know about whole class or school activities.


Information can also be found on Argyll and Bute website and Education Scotland website. Please see appendixes for the relevant website addresses.

Careers Information Advice and Guidance


Through partnership working, schools plan with a variety of organisations to ensure that career information, advice and guidance are an integral part of the curriculum.  This provides children and young people with real and relevant learning opportunities that can be applied both in and beyond the classroom.


Financial Education


Financial education is taught through the context of the numeracy curriculum and PSE.


Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education


Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education is part of the Health and Wellbeing curriculum.  This is a national curriculum and resources can be found via the following link: Home – RSHP


The main themes covered are:

  • Bodily autonomy, consent and protection from harm
  • Emotional wellbeing and help-seeking behaviour
  • Equalities and inclusion
  • Gender equality, discrimination and gender based violence
  • Parenthood and families
  • Relationships and friendships
  • Sexual health and reproduction


These areas are recommended by Scottish Government and are age and stage appropriate.


An effective programme of education about Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood s is best built on parents/carers and schools working in partnership and assuming shared responsibilities.  We aim to keep parents/carers informed about the nature and purpose of the learning programme their children will follow, and to seek parents’/carers’ views at appropriate times.  Any parents/carers who do have any questions or concerns should contact the Head Teacher directly.


Drugs Education


In accordance with the Scottish Government guidelines and Argyll & Bute Council Education Department policy and practice, and in common with all Argyll & Bute schools, this school has in place procedures for dealing safely and effectively with drug-related incidents.


Further information can be obtained by contacting the Head Teacher or via


Religious and Moral Education


The programme for Religious Education in our school aims to help pupils learn about Christianity and other major world religions and to recognise religion as an important part of human experience.  Pupils will also be encouraged to learn from religions and helped to develop their own beliefs, attitudes, moral values and practices through a process of personal search, discovery and critical evaluation.


Please note that parents/carers have the right to withdraw from religious observance / education. If a parent /carer wishes to withdraw their child from Religious and Moral Education classes or attendance at school assembly or church services they should contact the school and discuss their concerns with the Head Teacher.




Assessment is crucial to tracking progress, planning next steps, reporting, and involving parents/carers and learners in learning.  Evidence of progress can be gathered by learners themselves and by fellow pupils (peers), parents/carers, teachers and other professionals.


A number of approaches are employed including the following:


  • Self-assessment – learners will be encouraged and supported to look at and revisit their own work to develop a better understanding of what they have learned and what they need to work on
  • Peer assessment – learners will be encouraged and supported to work together to help others assess what is good about their work and what needs to be worked on
  • Personal learning planning – children, teachers and parents/carers will work together to develop planning for next steps in learning
  • Profiles – a statement of achievements both within and out with school, to be introduced at P7 and S3.


Your child’s progress is not only based on ‘tests’ but on the learning that takes place within the classroom and in different settings out with the classroom.


Evidence of children and young people’s progress and achievements will come from day to day learning and through the things they may write, say, make or do.  For example, evidence may emerge as a result of children and young people taking part in a presentation, discussion, performance, or practical investigation.  Evidence may be captured as a photograph, video or audio clip as part of a particular learning experience.


Assessment takes place as part of ongoing learning and teaching, periodically and at key transitions.


The Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSA)


From August 2017 the Scottish Government has introduced a single, nationally developed set of standardised assessments, designed to reflect the way we deliver education in Scotland, through Curriculum for Excellence.  These assessments are expected to replace the variety of existing standardised assessments that local authorities and schools use at the moment.


Ongoing and informal assessment is, and will continue to be, a central part of everyday assessment.  Teachers will continue to draw on all of the assessment information available to them, when considering children’s progress and planning the next steps in their learning.


SNSA focus on aspects of reading, writing and numeracy and children in P1, P4, P7 and S3 will be assessed.  P1 children will take two SNSA assessments: one in literacy and one in numeracy.  P4 children will take three SNSA assessments: one in reading, one in writing and one in numeracy.  P7 children will take three SNSA assessments: one in reading, one in writing and one in numeracy.  S3 young people will take three SNSA assessments: one in reading, one in writing and one in numeracy.  Please note that some pupils will not access SNSA due to their specific additional support needs. 



The online assessment system will produce feedback information about where your child did well and where further support is required.  Your child’s teacher will use this feedback to help plan next steps and provide further support as appropriate.  Providing the right support at the right time will help to ensure your child can reach his or her potential.




Reporting informs parents/carers of progress in learning and achievement.  This will be through a range of approaches including meetings at parents’ evenings or in written form.


Parents will get regular information about their children’s strengths, progress and achievements.  This will take account of their achievements in key areas of learning such as literacy and numeracy and in different contexts and settings including across curriculum areas, the life and ethos of the school, and learning outwith the school, including the wider community.  At key points this will include information on the curriculum level children are working within and progress towards qualifications in the senior phase.  Parents will be informed of what their children need to do to continue making progress and ways that they can help.


At P7 and S3, teachers will work with children and young people to prepare profiles which will highlight their achievements over a period of time and summarise their learning journey at key points of transition.




Transitions are the moves children and young people make from home to nursery, from nursery to primary, from primary to secondary, from secondary to further education and beyond.


Starting Early Learning and Childcare


Once your child has been allocated a place in the early learning and childcare class you will be invited along to meet the staff and children, to find out more about the curriculum and to share information about your child.  Your child will be invited to join the early learning and childcare class with your support as necessary until they have fully settled.


Requesting an Additional Year of ELC


From August 2023, national entitlement began for all parents to receive an additional year of ELC funding, should it be decided that it is in your child’s best interests to enter P1 the following august instead. 


The decision whether to send your child to school or request an additional year of ELC is individual to each child.  In keeping with GIRFEC policy principles, staff within your child’s ELC and prospective school will support you in making this decision.


If you are considering an application for an additional year of ELC for your child, please speak to your child’s Key Worker within their ELC to advise them of this.  Please note, you should apply through the P1 school registration form in January.  If you decide to request an additional year of ELC, the Early Years team will work in collaboration with your child’s ELC and yourself to support you.  If you have any queries about the application process please contact


Starting Primary One


Children in Scotland who reach the age of five years between 1st March 2024 and 28th February 2025 should start school in August 2024.  This generally means that children start school when they are aged between four-and-a-half and five-and-a-half.  For academic session 2024/2025 online registration will begin mid-January 2024; further information will be available on the council website and in the local press.


To help your child prepare for a good start you can:


  • Listen and talk to your child about this change in their lives
  • Involve your child in getting ready for school by helping choose the things they will need, e.g. their uniform, lunchbox, school bag
  • Keep in touch with the school about anything which may affect your child’s learning
  • Attend induction events or introductory sessions


Transfer to Secondary School


Primary school pupils normally transfer to their catchment area secondary school in August following completion of their P7 year. 


Parent/Carers will be notified by email and on social media that the online registration form for registering your child for secondary education is open. This will usually take place in November for the following academic session. Parent/carers can also use this form to notify us of their decision to home educate, request a placing request and apply for school transport.


Secondary staff visit P7 pupils to discuss aspects of their transfer with them and in June the pupils will spend an agreed length of time at their prospective secondary school.


The catchment area secondary school for Drumlemble Primary School is:


Campbeltown Grammar School

Hutcheon Road,



PA28 6JS

phone number 01586 553 773


You will be contacted by letter and offered a place for your child at Campbeltown Grammar School, which you may either accept or decline.  Secondary schools have their own arrangements for meetings with prospective parents/carers, and you will be given details of these meetings.


Should you prefer your child to attend a school other than the designated catchment area school then a Placing Request must be made.  Forms are available from the Head Teacher, or by contacting School Support by email to or by ‘phoning 01369 704000.


Moving from Stage to Stage


Your child will be involved in an induction programme every year in school. Prior to the summer holiday your child will meet their teacher/s for the following session and visit their new classroom/s.  Teachers work closely and share information about your child’s learning and achievements.  Staff will also share other information which will help the teacher support your child’s learning, e.g. friendship groups, preferred ways of working, etc.


Moving Between Schools


When a child moves to a new school their class teacher will normally telephone the new school to share information on academic achievement and personal likes/dislikes with their new teacher.  Parents/carers are encouraged to organise a visit to the new school (if possible) in advance to support the child feel secure in the move.


It should be noted that opportunities for enhanced transitions are available for children as required.


Liaison with Local Schools


Our school maintains close links with other primary schools within our local geographical area and our link secondary school, which is Campbeltown Grammar School.


Leaving School


The first eligible school leaving date for most young people is 31 May at the end of S4.  This applies to young people whose fifth birthday fell between 1 March and 30 September in the year they entered P1.  Younger pupils in a year group are required to stay on until December in S5.  Older pupils are eligible to leave as early as December in S4.


Opportunities for All is the Scottish Government’s commitment to offer all 16-19 year olds a place in education, training, employment or other planned learning from when they leave school up to their 20th birthday.  All young people should receive the right amount rather than the same amount of information, advice and support in order to help them enter and sustain a positive destination.  For young people who do not immediately enter a positive destination on leaving school, support will continue until they find a suitable opportunity.


Transitions are particularly critical for young people with additional support needs and require additional preparation and planning.  Whenever a young person with additional support needs is approaching a transition, other agencies are involved in transition planning, the young person’s views are sought and parents/carers will be part of the planning process.  In all cases, early consultation will take place with the post-school learning provider to ensure that any support necessary is in place.



Support Arrangements for All Pupils


Providing personal support for learners 2-18 is the responsibility of all staff.  In the early learning and childcare and primary setting the early years practitioner or class teacher is the key adult who knows every child or young person in their care well, taking an avid interest in their welfare and progress.


In the secondary setting it is Guidance staff who play an active role in promoting learners’ personal, social and academic welfare; this is supported by Pupil Care and Support staff who offer help, support and advice as required, safeguarding the health and wellbeing of learners.


Identifying and Addressing Additional Support Needs


The Argyll & Bute Staged Intervention Framework is used to identify and meet pupils’ needs and to manage and review provision.  This follows the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) practice model.   GIRFEC is a national framework to help all children and young people grow, develop and reach their full potential.  Its focus is to improve outcomes for children and their families based on a shared understanding of their wellbeing.


Every child in school will have a Named Person.  In primary school this will usually be the head teacher and usually a principal teacher of pupil support or depute head teacher in a secondary school.  The Named Person will usually be the first point of contact for parents if they have any concerns about their child at school.  The Named Person will work with parents to provide support to meet a child’s needs or resolve concerns.  If there is a need to involve more than one agency to work together to provide support then a Lead Professional will be appointed to coordinate that support.


Where support is being provided by a single agency then a Planning meeting may be held and a Child’s Plan opened.  Where two or more agencies are involved in supporting a child’s needs, then a Child’s Plan will definitely be opened.  The Plan will include an assessment of the child’s needs using the My World Triangle assessment tool and a note of the agreed outcomes based on that assessment recorded on the Well Being App within SEEMIS.  Parents and children are an integral part of this meeting and the Plan includes an opportunity to have their views recorded within it.  Plans will be reviewed at appropriate intervals, again with parents and children as partners in these meetings.  


More information on GIRFEC in Argyll and Bute can be found at


Staged Intervention


The key principles underpinning Staged Intervention, as outlined in the Education Scotland website ( are as follows:


What is staged intervention?


  • Staged intervention is used as a means of identification, assessment, planning, recording and review to meet the learning needs of children and young people.


  • It provides a solution-focused approach to meeting needs at the earliest opportunity and with the least intrusive level of intervention. The process involves the child, parents/carers, school staff and, at some levels, other professionals, working in partnership to get it right for every child.


  • Staged intervention is designed to be flexible and allows for movement between stages depending on progress.


Argyll and Bute Staged Intervention: The Stages at a Glance


Universal Support Entitlements: All learners have an entitlement to support.  All children and young people should have frequent and regular opportunities to discuss their learning with an adult who knows them well and can act as a mentor, helping them to set appropriate goals for the next stages in learning.  Young people themselves should be at the centre of this planning, as active participants in their learning and development.  Robust systems for assessing, monitoring and tracking are key within this stage.


Stage 1 – In-class or in-group.

The class teacher or key worker (Early Years) identifies a need for some additional support.  The Named Person is notified and the teacher /key worker makes some changes to the normal routine or gives some extra attention so that the child can get the best out of the work of the group or class.


Stage 2 –Targeted intervention.

There is an identified need for targeted planning and intervention to address additional support needs.


A Child’s Plan may be in place outlining the specific targeted interventions required and detailing long- and short-term outcomes and timescales. Timescales for review of the interventions will be built in to the plan. There are likely to be termly reviews of short-term targets and annual reviews of long-term targets.


Additional support at this level may include (in addition to supports available at Stage 1):


  • new resources being accessed for use by the whole class/group;
  • small groups being created for additional tuition;
  • an individual programme of work being introduced;
  • a short term programme of individual support being put in place.


Classroom or Pupil Support Assistants may be deployed to help deliver these supports.

Stage 3 – Specialist input.

There is an identified need for more targeted intervention and/or specialist provision and interventions including:

  • a high degree of individualisation of learning and/or
  • access to a different learning environment
  • substantial adaptation to the curriculum and/or
  • substantial adaptation to the learning environment.


A Universal Child’s Plan will be in place outlining the specific targeted interventions required and detailing long- and short-term outcomes and timescales.  Where there is multi-agency involvement, a Lead Professional will co-ordinate this support. There may also be a Co-ordinated Support Plan in place.


Further Information about Additional Support Needs


Local, direct support is usually the best way to meet pupils’ needs.  If parents/carers have any questions about their child’s progress or wellbeing at school, they should discuss these first with child’s class teacher, the Depute Head Teacher or the Head Teacher. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.


We provide support and pastoral care for pupils by working closely and communicating regularly as a staff team and with parents to monitor children’s learning and wellbeing and to identify any additional support needs. We hold regular meetings with parents to coordinate additional support for pupils and to ensure appropriate agencies are involved. Our Depute Head Teacher who works across Castlehill, Carradale and Drumlemble Primary Schools works closely with the Head Teacher in developing our support provision, and coordinates the support for pupils who require a Child’s Plan.


This school values partnership working with parents/carers and will do everything possible to help resolve concerns or differences of opinion at an early stage.  If you have any queries about your child’s additional needs, or about the support being provided to meet those needs, please contact the Head teacher.


Parents/carers and young people have the right to ask the Education Authority to establish if a pupil has Additional Support Needs (ASN) and consider if a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP) is needed.  This should be raised with school staff in the first instance or can be sent in writing by emailing the Educational Psychology Service to describing the type of assessment and why it may be necessary.  Alternatively, please call 01369 708537 for more information.  Requests are acknowledged promptly and usually agreed unless the request is considered to be ‘unreasonable’.


Parents/carers can also arrange an assessment privately and ask the Education Authority to take the assessment report into account.


Parents/carers and young people have the right to:

  • Independent Mediation Services
    This service is free and involves an independent third party who helps to resolve disagreements between the Education Authority and parents/carers or young people.


  • Independent Advocacy
    Take Note is the National Advocacy Service for Additional Support Needs, established by the Scottish Government and provided jointly by Barnardo’s Scotland and the Scottish Child Law Centre. It offers independent professional or legal advocacy to families and young people who have grounds to make a referral to the Additional Support Needs Tribunal Scotland.  More information is available by telephoning 0131 667 6333 or by email to


  • Free Dispute Resolution
    Some disagreements, such as about the assessment of additional support needs or the level of support, can be referred for written review by an adjudicator independent of the council. Requests for Dispute Resolution should be made to Jennifer Crocket, Head of Education – Lifelong Learning and Support/Chief Education Officer via  If you do not have access to email, please contact Jennifer Crocket by phone on 01546 604288.


  • Referral to the Additional Support Needs Tribunal Scotland (ASNTS)
    Parents/carers and young people can appeal to the ASNTS about decisions involving a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP) (0845 120 2906).


A new national advocacy service provides advice to parents/carers and young people about grounds for a referral. Contact Barnardo’s, 235 Corstorphine Rd, Edinburgh EH12 7AR


Independent advice and information is available from Enquire, the Scottish Advice Service for ASL (0845 123 2303).


The Govan Law Centre Education Law Unit works in partnership to support pupils’ and parents’/carers’ rights in education.  Contact Govan Law Centre, 47 Burleigh Street, Govan, Glasgow G51 3LB. 0141 445 1955


The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance safeguards people who are vulnerable.  Contact Melrose House, 69a George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2JG. 0131 260 5380



Main Achievements


During 2022/23 we implemented a wide range of strategies to promote and embed our nurturing culture and to start us on our journey as a Rights Respecting School and as a Nurturing School.

We have achieved the Rights Respecting Schools Bronze Award and have been working towards the Silver Award during 2023/24.

Similarly, we were awarded the Argyll and Bute Bronze Nurture Accreditation in 2022/23 and have continued our journey as a Nurturing School, working towards Silver Accreditation in 2023/24.



We provided a number of activities and events for pupils and parents as part of our Covid Recovery priority during 22/23, including:

  • A shared learning visit by Carradale school.
  • Involvement in the MACC base Queen’s Canopy project and in their space workshops for pupils.
  • Involvement in an art project with the Clyde Fishermen’s Trust
  • A Robert Burns-themed afternoon led by the children.
  • Our Christmas Concert for parents and friends of the school .
  • A community Bingo Evening.
  • A successful application for Coop funding, and visits by pupils to the local store.
  • Joint Church Services with other local schools.
  • A visit by an award-winning author for World Book Day.
  • Street Drumming sessions.


For our literacy improvement priority we focused on the development of writing through the consultation with pupils and the restructuring of lessons. Pupil enjoyment and progress in writing increased as a result.


For our numeracy improvement priority, our focus was on problem-solving. Through strategies including maths buddying, senior pupils leading problem-solving in our P1-4 classroom, the extended use of maths IT programmes and the use of a maths box for class work and playtimes, pupils responded more positively to problem-solving activities and the majority showed good understanding when solving problems in end of year assessments.

Improving Standards


Please refer to our Standards and Quality Report via Drumlemble Standards and Quality Report 2022-23 – Drumlemble Primary School

School Improvement Plan

Please refer to our School Improvement Plan Overiew via Drumlemble School Improvement Plan Overview – 2023/24 – Drumlemble Primary School




Early Learning and Childcare Meals


Health and Wellbeing is a large part of the ELC experience, and includes access to milk, a healthy snack and meal time provision.  We are committed to providing healthy, nutritious, good value meal options to children in our Early Learning and Childcare Settings.  If your child is in ELC for more than four hours and over a lunch period they are entitled to a funded nursery lunch.


Our ELC lunch offer is a two course menu with a main meal, and will be either a starter and a main course, or a main course and a dessert.  The menu runs on a four week cycle so that there is plenty of choice for children.


Our ELC menus comply with the Scottish Government’s guidance, Setting the Table.  In this document there is guidance on healthy snack options, meal planners and foods that are not acceptable for inclusion in provision, as well as other helpful guidance.  The link to this document is:


Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme (SMHSS)


The SMHSS funds a daily portion of plain fresh cow’s milk (or specified alternative) and a healthy snack (fruit or vegetables) for all pre-school children spending two hours or more in the care of a regulated day care provider and/or childminders that have registered for the SMHSS.  SMHSS will replace the current UK Nursery Milk Scheme from 1 August 2021.


The link to this guidance is:


Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme (Scotland) Regulations 2021: children’s rights and wellbeing impact assessment – (



School Meals


Argyll and Bute Council is committed to providing healthy, nutritious, good value meal options to pupils in our primary and secondary schools and a school meal is available in almost all of our schools, with the exception of Iona and Ulva primaries.  We encourage healthy eating and school lunches are planned so that children can choose a well-balanced meal and a good selection of vegetables, salad, fresh fruit, and milk are available daily.  All of our menus comply with the Scottish Government’s Healthy Eating in Schools Regulations 2020

 and the The Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) Regulations 2020.


As part of Scottish Government legislation, from January 2022 all pupils in P1-P5 became entitled to a free school meal.  Parents do not have to register for this; all pupils will receive this meal automatically.  Please see the section on free school meals for information for pupils from P6 and beyond.


Allergy information for our school menus is available online and in each school kitchen. Information on school meals are available via If your child has a food allergy, please contact the school office in the first instance so that any necessary arrangements can be put in place.


A vegetarian meal option is available every day, and many dishes can be altered to accommodate other special diets where this is required.  Where possible, other non-medical special diets may be accommodated; please contact the Catering service for more information.





Primary Schools:


Our primary school lunch offer is a two course menu with a choice of main meal, and will be either a starter and a main course, or a main course and a dessert. The menu runs on a three week cycle so that there is plenty of choice for pupils.  The cost for a primary school meal is £2.30.  Salad selections, vegetables and fruit are available every day. Water or milk is available as a drink.


You can view our current primary school lunch menu at


During session 2023-24, a new online income management and online payment solution has been introduced to assist parents to pay for all school purchases, including school meals.  Parents can pre-order childrens’ meals online and in advance.  For further information and to register please visit



Packed Lunches


Some pupils prefer a packed lunch and it is the Authority’s policy to provide facilities for the consumption of packed lunches in all schools where these are required.


The school aims to encourage children to enjoy food which is both attractive to them and nutritionally sound, whether this is a school meal, a packed lunch or a snack.  We would appreciate your support in achieving this aim.


Free School Meals

From January 2022, all pupils in P1-P5 became entitled to a free school meal, which they receive automatically.  Whilst P1-P5 parents do not need to register because of the universal entitlement, it can be beneficial to register if you meet the eligibility criteria as you could be entitled to additional benefits.


For information about Free School Meals, including the eligibility criteria, and to complete an online application form please visit   Alternatively, please contact Customer Services: Education on 01369 708548 or your local benefit enquiry office.


Special Dietary Requirements


Health Care


You can contact your school health staff at: –

Children and Families Health Team

Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership Health Centre

Stewart Road, Campbeltown, PA28 6AL TEL: 01586 865813



Administration of Medicines


Many pupils will, at some time in their school careers, need to take medication.  For the vast majority this will be a short-term requirement, with pupils simply finishing a course of medication which has been prescribed for them by their family doctor.  Wherever possible, parents/carers are requested to ask for GP prescriptions which can be administered outwith the school day, i.e. in the morning and evening.


However, pupils may have medical conditions such as asthma or diabetes which may require long-term support and, if their conditions are not properly managed by taking regular medication in school, their access to education could be limited.  In addition, some children have conditions which may require occasional staff intervention, e.g. severe allergic conditions such as anaphylaxis.  Pupils with such conditions are regarded as having health care needs but, notwithstanding these, the vast majority of children with such needs are able to attend school regularly and, with some support from the school staff, are able to take part in most normal school activities.


In any of these circumstances parents/carers (or young people themselves if they are over the age of 16) should discuss the matter with school staff and agree the arrangements which will be made to provide support for the pupil.  A written request form must be completed in advance when any medication is to be administered or taken in school.


Skin Protection


Your child’s skin may be affected by exposure to the sun, especially over the lunchtime period and other outdoor activities.  It is a good idea for your child to wear a sun hat.  If they have one, please put it in their school bag. 


You should ensure your child has sunblock applied prior to arriving at school in periods of hot weather and if you wish them to have further applications at lunchtime then you should send in sun-cream/block and we can help your child apply it.


Face painting is occasionally carried out within schools.  Parents will be informed when this activity is being planned.




Transport to and from school is available for pupils who live more than:-


  • 2 miles away from their catchment primary School
  • 3 miles away from their catchment secondary School


Pupils may still be required to walk to a school transport pick up point.  Primary school pupils will not be required to walk more than two miles and secondary pupils will not be required to walk more than three miles from their home to the pick-up point.


Pupils will not be picked up or dropped off at any point other than the designated location without written authorisation from a parent or carer.


Please see for further information on school transport.


Exceptional Requests

Consideration will be given in exceptional circumstances for school transportation where your child attends their catchment school but would not normally be entitled to transport.


Where parents/carers believe that there may be grounds for an exceptional transport request, an application form should be completed and submitted to the Integrated Transport Section.  Applications will then be referred for further assessment as appropriate.



Exceptional transport requests can be made when:-


  • Your child has been recommended on health grounds by a designated medical officer.


  • Your child has requirements based on educational grounds / additional educational needs.


  • Your child has to walk a route which, after an assessment, is considered to be unsafe for children even when accompanied by a responsible adult.


Application forms are available from the school office or you may apply on-line on the Council website at


Free Bus Travel Scheme


A national new free bus travel scheme for children and young people aged from 5 to under 22 came into effect at the end of January 2022.  Further information can found on the Transport Scotland website:  Parents can apply online or request an application form from the school office. 


Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)


EMA is a weekly payment of £30, paid fortnightly in arrears, for eligible students aged 16 to 19 who are continuing in post-compulsory education.  The allowance is means-tested based on household income and is payable fortnightly in arrears during term time.  Payments will be made direct to the student’s own bank account.


Further information and full eligibility criteria can be found at or by emailing or telephoning 01369 708548. 



The Authority insures against its legal liability for:-


  1. accidental personal injury and,
  2. accidental damage to property not belonging to the school or Council.


This means that if an injury is sustained or personal property is damaged/broken/lost due to negligence or omission on the part of the school or its staff, claim costs will be met by the Council’s public liability policy.  There is no automatic right to compensation.  It is the responsibility of the person making the claim to prove that the Council has been negligent in their actions leading to the loss.


Parents/carers may wish to consider their own insurance arrangements in terms of appropriate extensions to their household insurance or arranging their own separate covers.

Music Services


Chanter tuition is available from Primary 6 onwards.

Brass tuition is available from Primary 4 onwards.

Parental Access to Records


The School Pupil Records (Scotland) Regulations 1990

Details of the regulations and process for obtaining information specific to pupils are available by contacting the school directly.   See management circular 3.11



Subject Access Requests


GDPR legislation includes the right to request information we hold about you.  If you wish to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you, this is known as a Subject Access Request.  Further information and a Subject Access Request form may be accessed via:


Child Protection


Given on-going public concern on the subject of child abuse, and recent changes in the law, schools are now required to report if they think any child may have come to harm as a consequence of possible abuse.


A member of staff in each school has been appointed to be responsible for Child Protection matters and special training has been given to these people.  Should you wish further advice about Child Protection and the safety of children, please feel free to contact the school.


The school has good liaison contact with the School Medical Officers, Social Workers, and the Police, any or all of whom may become involved if abuse is suspected.


Please see for more information on child protection.


Weapons Incidents in Educational Establishments


A joint protocol has been agreed between Police Scotland, Argyll and Bute Council and West Dunbartonshire Council for dealing with any weapons incidents in schools.  It is therefore important to make parents aware of rules and expectations in relation to weapons and the response to allegations of weapons possession.  Weapons must in no circumstances be brought to school and pupils will be encouraged to share any knowledge of weapons with teaching staff.


The purpose of the protocol is to maximise the safety of children and young people and to safeguard the welfare of all persons involved in any weapons-related incident, including any alleged perpetrator, through an effective multi-agency response.  All incidents involving weapons at any educational establishment where a person under the age of 18 is educated, and any incident involving a child less than 18 years being in possession of a weapon, will trigger the operational response summarised below.  Every incident will be thoroughly investigated and recorded.


  • In response to an incident involving possession, or suspected possession, of a weapon in an educational establishment, the Senior Management Team will react with a proportionate response.  Police Scotland will be contacted immediately and will coordinate any emergency response. In the event of a serious incident, appropriate medical attention will be sought and designated First Aiders at the establishment will treat those affected as far as their training and experience allows, provided it is safe to do so.  The emotional needs of those involved in, or witnessing, the incident will also be considered. 


  • If any person who is a pupil or a student in an educational establishment in Argyll and Bute is found in possession of a weapon out-with an educational establishment, Police Scotland will alert the authority of the incident.


  • No release to the media regarding a weapons-related incident will be made without consultation with the Communications departments of both Police Scotland and Argyll and Bute Council.


Please contact the school if you require a copy of the full weapons protocol document, which includes a summary of police powers and duties of search in relation to weapons. Please note that that unless parents/guardians contact the school to indicate a concern, they are giving their implied consent to the policy. 


Acceptable Use of Internet Enabled Devices / Using the Internet, Email and Glow


All children and young people will have access to various forms of technology and will use the internet, email (secondary pupils) and Glow.  When accessing the Internet in school pupils must abide by the following rules:


All users should:

  • access Internet pages which are directly related to the current task as identified by the member of staff in charge;
  • save/download information related to the current task as identified by the member of staff in charge;
  • report instances of misuse to the member of staff in charge;
  • report suspicious sites or emails to the member of staff in charge;
  • choose a strong password – preferably a phrase that you can easily remember;
  • ‘logout’ at the end of each Internet or Glow session;
  • treat all equipment and other users with respect.


Users should not:

  • tell anyone their login ID or password;
  • use portable storage devices brought from out with the school;
  • attempt to circumvent the IT security systems and antivirus;
  • send illegal or defamatory material; receive illegal material or material which is offensive or defamatory without informing the member of staff in charge;
  • read emails intended for others;
  • create rude or abusive emails about other people.


Personal safety

  • Never tell anyone you meet on the Internet your home address or your telephone number.
  • Never tell anyone you meet on the Internet your school’s name or phone number, unless your teacher specifically gives you permission.
  • Never send anyone your picture, credit card or bank details.
  • Never give your password to anyone – even a best friend.
  • Never arrange by email to meet anyone you don’t know in person.
  • Never respond to nasty, suggestive or rude emails.
  • Always tell a member of staff in charge if you see bad language or distasteful pictures while you are online.
  • Always be yourself and do not pretend to be anyone or anything you are not.
  • Always remember if someone makes you an offer that seems too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Always delete attachments from strangers without opening them; they may contain viruses that can damage your machine.
  • Never open an email if you are suspicious of its source or content – and report these to a member of staff.
  • Never click on links in emails unless you are certain they are safe (hover over the link to see what it really connects to)


Please note:

Privacy of electronic mail (email) is guaranteed.  However, those who administer the system on behalf of the education service have access to all mail messages and have the right under legislation to investigate any user activities where suspicious use of the system is identified.



Glow is Scotland’s nationally available digital environment and can support learning across the whole curriculum. Glow is not just one place or platform, instead it offers a username and password that gives access to a number of different web services.

Funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Education Scotland, Glow provides a safe, online environment for educators, learners and parents to communicate and collaborate using services such as Glow Blogs, Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace and Glow RM Unify Launch Pad.  

For further information please refer to Education Management Circular 1.18 –      

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)


Updated legislation introduced in May 2018 and requires all businesses to protect and properly manage all customers’ privacy data – this includes Local Authorities.  The main changes under GDPR are:

  • GDPR give people more rights to know how their personal data is being used.
  • It gives them the right to be ‘forgotten’ and their personal data deleted if they wish.
  • It enables people to see what personal data is being held about them and to make sure their personal data is correct.
  • It gives increased importance for the protection of children
  • It creates increased importance for not allowing people without permission to see or use others’ personal data
  • If someone’s personal data has been used by people without permission, they have to be told what happened.


The full detail of the new legislation can be found at    


A link to the general privacy notice for education can be found at   This privacy notice outlines the information that we require to provide Education for Children and Young People, who we will share that information with, why we need the information, what we will do with the information and how long we will keep the information.


General information:


Pupil’s work on display

Children’s work is often displayed in the classroom and school corridors.  In addition, work is often displayed in other Council buildings as part of exhibitions. This may include their name.


Short Visits

During the pupil’s school life, teachers may organise some activities which will take pupils out of school for up to an hour at short notice.  These visits will be very local to the school (in general no greater than half a mile).  Pupils will be supervised by their class teacher during these visits. 


For any longer, pre-arranged school trips and all trips that require transport, official permission will be sought and Management Circular 3.25 will be adhered to –     


If you have any concerns regarding any of the above you should contact your school directly to discuss individual circumstances. 


Emergency Closures


In the event of the school having to close due to an emergency, e.g. adverse weather conditions putting pupils at risk, heating failure, etc., the procedure is as follows: –


In the event of an emergency closure outwith school hours updated postings will be made on  You can also keep up to date with the latest information by calling 01369 704000.


In case of an emergency, if effective arrangements are to be made, it is essential that the school has up-to-date information from parents/carers regarding such things as changes in employer, telephone number, new emergency contact, etc.  Where possible, a text messaging system alerting parents/carers to arrangements will be used if mobile phone numbers have been submitted.


In whole school emergency situations, updated information will be posted on our own school website and/or website or the use of text messaging may be utilised.




The following hyperlinks are correct as at 1 November 2022:




Contact details for all Argyll and Bute Schools –


Choosing a School: A Guide for Parents – information on choosing a school and the placing request system –


A guide for parents/carers about school attendance explains parental responsibilities with regard to children’s attendance at school –


The Scottish Government guide Principles of Inclusive Communications provides information on communications and a self-assessment tool for public authorities –



Parental Involvement


Guidance on the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 provides guidance on the act for education authorities, Parent Councils and others –


Parentzone provide information and resource for parents/carers and Parent Councils –


Education Scotland’s toolkit for parental engagement and family learning –



School Ethos


Supporting Learners – guidance on the identification, planning and provision of support –   


Developing a positive whole school ethos and culture–


Health and wellbeing guidance on healthy living for local authorities and schools –


Building Curriculum for Excellence through Positive Behaviour and Relationships outlines the Scottish Government’s priority actions around positive behaviour in schools and is also a source of support –


Scottish Catholic Education Service’s resource ‘This is Our Faith’ which supports the teaching and learning of Catholic religious education –





Information about Curriculum for Excellence –



Information on assessment –


Broad General Education (general) – 



Broad General Education in the Secondary School –


Information on the Senior Phase –


Information on Skills for learning, life and work –


Information around the Scottish Government’s ‘Opportunities for All’ programme –,Opportunities%20for%20All%20by%20phoning%200800%20917%208000.


Information for organisations responsible for the planning, management and delivery of career information, advice and guidance services –


The Skills Development Scotland website ‘My World of Work’ offers a number of tools to support career planning –


Assessment and Reporting


Building the Curriculum 5: a framework for assessment provides guidance around the assessment framework –


Information about how progress is assessed –,%20and%20when%20and%20how%20does%20it%20take%20place  


Curriculum for Excellence factfile – Assessment and qualifications –


Information on assessment and achievement –




Curriculum for Excellence factfile – 2-18 Transitions – provides information on the transitions children and young people will face throughout their education and beyond –


Career Information, Advice and Guidance in Scotland – A Framework for Service Redesign and Improvement provides guidance on career information, advice and guidance strategy –,young%20people%E2%80%99s%20skills%20for%20learning%2C%20life%20and%20work.


Choices and Changes provides information about choices made at various stages of learning –


Supporting Children’s Learning Code of Practice includes specific requirements on education authorities and others under the new legislation in relation to transition –


Support for Pupils


The Additional support for learning page provides links to relevant legislation and guidance, including the arrangements that should be in place to support pupils with additional support needs –


Enquire is the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning –


Parenting across Scotland offers support to children and families in Scotland –


Equality and Inclusion –,or%20young%20person%20needs%20support%20for%20whatever%20reason.


Supporting Children’s Learning Code of Practice (Revised edition) – provides Statutory guidance relating to the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 as amended –


Getting It Right For Every Child and Young Person, is essential reading for anyone involved or working with children and young people, including practitioners working in adult services with parents and carers –


School Improvement


Education Scotland’s Inspection and review page provides information on the inspection process –


Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) –


Scottish Qualifications Authority provides information for teachers, parents/carers, employers and young people on qualifications –


Amazing Things – information about youth awards in Scotland –


Information on how to access statistics relating to School Education –

School education statistics – (


School Policies and Practical Information


National policies, information and guidance can be accessed through the following sites:


Children (Scotland) Act 1995 –


Standards in Scotland’s Schools (Scotland) Act 2000 –