Parental Information

Parent Involvement

We communicate regularly to all parents/carers through school newsletters and messages. For specific activities and events involving groups or classes we issue separate letters/messages. In common with other Argyll and Bute schools we also use a communication system called Groupcall / Messenger 5 to communicate with parents/carers by email, app notification or text.

We have an established Facebook page on which we share information about school events and learning activities and celebrate school achievements.

Our school website also provides up-to-date information about the school.

We hold Parent / Teacher  Appointment sessions to give parents/carers the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and to see their child’s work. These sessions also link to the Pupil Progress Reports that we issue in the Summer Term.

We use the Seesaw website and app to share children’s learning with all parents on a regular basis to keep them up to date on their child’s progress.

Argyll & Bute’s Parental Engagement Strategy may be viewed at: