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- Create Date 11 March 2022
- Last Updated 11 March 2022
Special Diets Procedure
(Also known as Special Diets Procedure)
Argyll and Bute Council Catering Service provides meals across all schools, including Primary, Secondary and Early Years Units. Part of this includes the provision of special dietary requirements for food allergies and intolerances, medically prescribed diets and diets for religious or cultural reasons.
In line with the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation No. 1169/2011 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 78/2014 all allergen information is available to customers via the Catering Service.
Once a Special Diet Request form has been completed and passed to the Catering Manager, the Catering Service will, where necessary and as required, work with the pupil, Parent/Carer, Education and the NHS to provide a nutritionally balanced meal that meets the dietary requirements for the pupil.
While the Catering Service will strive to provide special dietary requests, it may not always be possible to accommodate these due to other service requirements.
A medical referral must be supported by either a Medical Practitioner or a State Registered Dietician and an Argyll and Bute Council Special Diet Request form must be completed to enable the Catering Service to proceed with the request.
Requests for non-medically prescribed diets also require a completed Special Diet Request form. The information provided will be reviewed and menu alterations made, where possible, to ensure a suitable menu option is available each day.
Specific dietary requirements for children and young people with additional support needs are not included in this procedure. Please speak to the Catering Service for more information.
Head Teacher/School Office
- Assist in cascading information on Special Diet procedure to parents/carers
- Make Special Diet Request forms available from school office.
- Share any completed forms with the Catering Manager
- Where relevant, ensure all staff including Catering Staff are informed immediately of any pupil with severe allergies and intolerances
- Be familiar with contents of individual child’s plan, and ensure appropriate action is ta
ken in case of emergency to maintain safety of individual pupil
- Ensure compliance with GDPR processes and privacy notices
- Inform school that their child has a special dietary/allergen requirement, especially if the special diet is in connection to a food allergy or intolerance
- Request a Special Diet Request form available from the school. Compete and return to the school office
- Supply any food items available on prescription e.g. gluten free bread and pasta to assist in preparation of child’s lunch
Catering Manager
- Where necessary, arrange to meet with pupil and parent/carer to discuss the pupil needs
- Ensure all catering staff on site are made aware of the Special Diet procedure and how to accommodate each pupil’s needs
- Inform casual staff of any special diets in place
- Inform Parent/Carer or Education of any variances or concerns
- Hold allergen information for all items served
- If a change of menu is unavoidable, ensure that the parent/carer is made aware as soon as possible
- Ensure compliance with GDPR processes and privacy notices
Catering and Cleaning Officer
- Provide all schools with accurate allergen information
- Obtain specifications for any new products introduced
- Keep up-to-date with legislation and inform Education of any important changes
- Provide support to Catering staff for any special diet requests
- Communicate with NHS Dietitian/Medical Practitioner where necessary
- Attend meeting with Catering staff/Education/Parent/Carer as required
- Ensure compliance with GDPR processes and privacy notices
Parent/Carer informs school office of the special diet requirement
School office issues Special Diet Request form to the Parent/Carer
Parent/Carer completes the form. Where a medical prescribed diet is request, contact details for the State Registered Dietitian/Medical Practitioner must be included. Returns form to school office
Copy of the form is filed in the school office, and one copy given to the School Catering Manager
Menu will be reviewed and where possible changes will be made to ensure a menu option is available for the pupil each day. In some cases, this will mean the pupil will need to pre-order
Catering Manager will review the requirements and if necessary, inform Catering and Cleaning Officer. If required a meeting will be requested with the Parent/Carer/Education/NHS Dietitian