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School Behaviour Policy

School Behaviour Policy

Why we need a Behavioural Policy:

  1. The law requires schools to have a written behaviour policy.
  2. Our behaviour policy helps us to create a caring, stimulating and secure environment in which staff and students can work and develop safely and to encourage the involvement of parents/carers in the development of their child. We believe that poor behaviour has to be tackled in order that students have full benefit of their right to learn, and teachers their right to teach.
  3. The policy will be reviewed in collaboration between students, parents and staff, with evidence available for scrutiny.
  4. We aim to enable our students to:
  • Be healthy.
  • Stay safe.
  • Enjoy and achieve in their learning.
  • Make a positive contribution.
  • Achieve economic well-being.
  • Access the full range of learning opportunities in a calm, positive environment.
  • Achieve through appropriate expectations of work and behaviour with praise, reward and celebration and explicit and consistent consequences.
  • Behave appropriately in a wide range of social and educational settings
  • Value the rights of the individual.

The Principles of the Policy:

In line with the fundamental principles that drive our school we aim:

  • To raise students’ self esteem.
  • To promote/develop empathy and respect for self and others.
  • To develop in students a sense of self discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their own actions.
  • To ensure regular attendance.
  • To develop an awareness of and adherence to appropriate behaviour.
  • To encourage students to value the school environment and its routines.
  • To ensure that students are confident of their right to be treated fairly.
  • To empower staff to determine and request appropriate behaviour from everyone.
  • To acknowledge that the maintaining of good behaviour within the school is a shared responsibility.
  • To ensure that positive behaviour is always recognised.
  • To work within a positive, proactive reflective approach to behaviour management.
  • To ensure the policy is fully understood and is consistently implemented throughout the school.
  • To ensure effective mechanisms are in place for the monitoring and evaluation of this policy.
  • To ensure the rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community.

 School Ethos:.

  • The school has an ethos in which the above principles are respected. Many of these principles will be addressed daily through the modelling of good social behaviour from all adults within the school community.
  • Students desire that they learn the foundations to provide a good base for the rest of their lives, and that the school is a place where both staff and students are happy and enthusiastic enabling the creation of a competitive but secure and enthused school life which is valued by students’, parents and staff alike, where students, whilst being part of a collective, remain individually valued.
  • Behaviour management approaches include :
  • Strategies to help students learn the skills they need in order to behave well, rather than simply correcting poor behaviour
  • Strategies to encourage participation in setting rules and consequences that are based upon rights and responsibilities
  • Strategies to encourage students to make a choice about their behaviour
  • Strategies employed to recognise and support students in managing strong emotions
  • Strategies employed to encourage reflection about the consequences of particular behaviour.


Staff Students Parents
To lead by example and show strong leadership To respect, support and care for each other both in school and the wider community To be aware of and support the schools values and expectations
To be consistent in dealing with students and not display double standards To listen to others and respect their opinions showing empathy and understanding To ensure that students come to school regularly, on time with the appropriate equipment
To encourage the aims and values of the school and local community among the students To attend school regularly, on time, ready and equipped to learn and take part in school activities To keep students at home when they are ill and to provide the school with a written explanation of the reasons for any absence
To have high expectations of the students To take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour and fully understand the consequences of poor behaviour on their own and others learning experiences To take an active and supportive interest in their child’s work and progress and to attend arranged meetings at school
To meet the educational, social and behavioural needs of the students through an appropriate curriculum and individual support To do as instructed by all members of staff (teaching and non-teaching) throughout the school day To provide the school with an emergency contact number and any relevant information to ensure the correct support is put in place by the school
To encourage regular communication between home and school To be tolerant of others, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or age

School Systems:

These expectations cover all aspects of school life including journeys to and from school as well as break times.

We expect our students

  • To be responsible for their actions.
  • To be polite and treat others and their property with respect.
  • To be tolerant of others, irrespective of any differences.
  • To resolve problems in a non-confrontational manner.
  • To take care of the school environment.
  • To work to the best of their ability.
  • To be properly equipped for all school work and activities.


We value good behaviour and regularly praise and reward students for good behaviour, positive social skills, and commitment to the school community, progress and attainment throughout the school day in a variety of ways. The school is often congratulated on the way our students behave, especially on trips and educational visits. We have many different ways of rewarding our students: please see below

  • Verbal Praise
  • Special privileges.
  • Election to positions of responsibility – Pupil Council
  • Sharing of achievements via the school’s internal media system
  • Displays of pupils good work
  • Each class has their own individual system that can recognise academic and social achievements
  • The whole school work towards achieving a 100 square reward. The reward for this is chosen by the children and can range from a party to a movie afternoon.


The use of sanctions at Drumlemble Primary School are characterised by certain features:

  • It must be made clear why the sanction is being applied.
  • It must be made clear what changes in behaviour are required to avoid future sanctions.
  • There is a clear, well understood, distinction between minor and major offences.
  • It is the behaviour rather than the person that is sanctioned.

We divide unacceptable behaviour into three broad bands:

Level 1: Disruptive and uncooperative behaviour

Level 2: Persistent refusal to conform to the schools expectations, discriminatory behaviour or bullying

Level 3: Behaviour that may put another individual at harm, violent or aggressive behaviour

Parents / Carers will be informed if a student’s behaviour is a cause for concern. Sanctions may include one or more of the following:

  • Verbal reprimand
  • Loss of privilege
  • Removal of some time from break times
  • Meeting with Head Teacher
  • Individual behaviour plan
  • Individual behaviour chart

Support Systems for Individual Student Need:

If there is a persistent problem across the curriculum the Head Teacher, together with the Teacher, will work together with the student to draw up a Behaviour Support Programme to support the student in partnership with parents. All staff working with the pupil will be informed of this, including those supervising break times. This will give a consistent approach throughout the school day. If the problem continues, together we will work with outside agencies to seek solutions to support the student. For students who are having these difficulties the school will provide targeted pastoral support or mentoring by adults or peers. (i.e. peer buddies/mentors etc)

Support Systems for Staff:

The school will support all adults working with students to ensure they are achieving. It is school practice to discuss behavioural issues in order that the staff feel supported and the school is working together to provide a cohesive approach to supporting individual needs.  Staff having difficulties with an individual, class or group should speak in the first instance to their Head Teacher.

Supports Systems for Parents/Carers:

The school has an ‘open door’ policy where parents and carers are encouraged to visit to discuss any relevant issues. However, it would be appreciated if appointments could be made where possible to ensure the availability of a member of staff and to give parents/carers the time needed.

Likewise, when the school needs to discuss anything with parents/carers, they will be contacted to arrange an appointment.