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- Create Date 11 March 2022
- Last Updated 11 March 2022
Gender Equality Policy - Drumlemble Primary Pre 5 Unit (ELC)
In addition to our Equal opportunities policy we have developed a Gender equality policy to ensure that we continue to promote gender equality and those who visit our setting also have an understanding of what we want to achieve through promoting Gender equality.
Children learn from the world around them. Gender stereotypes perpetuate inequality and reinforce difference between men and women, rather than individuals being people first and equals. Gender stereotypes encourage ideas of what it means to be a boy or a girl; man or woman, which limit men and women alike. - ‘Just like a Child. Respect gender equality in the early years.’ Zero Tolerance 2013
Staff Involvement
This policy was drawn up in consultation with the staff of Drumlemble Primary Pre 5 Unit (ELC).
To promote gender equality and tackle discrimination.
To achieve these aims we will
- Ensure children are able to be who they want to be and feel comfortable taking part in a wide variety of activities.
- Ensure parents and carers are aware of the importance in giving their children comfortable clothes to wear to allow them to participate fully in all activities offered by the ELC.
- New ELC staff and students will be informed of our gender equality policy during induction.
- We will provide the use of gender neutral resources within our nursery environment – e.g. loose parts, paint, arts and crafts and material for dressing up with.
- We will challenge any use of gender biased language and question why – for example if a boy says yuck I don’t like pink we will ask why. If a girl doesn’t feel confident in climbing or is unsure of her skills in outdoor adventurous play we will encourage her and support her to develop her skills in this area.
- Check books and see if they have gender stereotypes e.g. only male fire fighters, astronauts and females in a caring role.
- Support children during imaginative play and challenge any gender typical thinking e.g. only boys can fix cars, girls can’t be footballers.
- Think about nursery rhymes and songs and how you can change names to ensure they’re not gender stereotyping e.g. – ‘John put the kettle on instead of Polly put the kettle on…Kara hammers…instead of Peter hammers. Encourage children to choose names for these songs and rhymes.
- Staff to be aware of not using language that doesn’t promote gender bias – don’t always compliment girls for looks, nice clothing think about descriptive praise. If a boy is upset and crying let him know it’s okay to cry and don’t say “aw boys don’t cry” “you’re tough don’t cry”.
- Use non gender specific language where possible – hello children instead of girls and boys, fire fighter, nurse, police officer and postal worker are some examples.
- Monitor and observe the environment to ensure all areas are being used by boys and girls, if not what changes can be made to encourage use by all children.
- Staff and students will be good role models for children.
- All children encouraged to take part in STEM within the ELC environment.
- Staff are supported to challenge gender discrimination from parents e.g if a parent comments to a boy ‘only girls look after dolls’ you could challenge by saying he’s a very caring boy aren’t you, looking after the babies.
- Staff and students to be aware of document from Care Inspectorate – Gender equal play in ELC.
Monitoring and review
It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher along with the staff to monitor, evaluate and review the above policy and to adjust it according to need.