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ELC Participation and involvement

Drumlemble Early Learning Centre

Participation and involvement


The aim of Drumlemble Early Learning Centre is to support and enhance the development of the children in the setting and be a support network to families in a variety of contexts. We respect, understand and truly value the contribution the parents/carer's  make towards their child’s learning and hope to provide support, guidance and encouragement to empower parents as primary educators. Accordingly we understand the need for regular, meaningful and positive communications between staff and parents and ultimately the sharing of skills to engage and empower each other to enable the best outcomes for children.


Drumlemble Early Learning Centre operates an ‘open door’ policy by:-

  • Providing parents with information before their child starts, e.g. admission procedures, handbook.
  • Holding an induction session for parents to meet their child’s prospective key worker.
  • Working with parents to build up a picture of the child’s development needs on starting the Nursery
  • Ensuring that parents are aware of the system and policies operating within the setting.
  • Asking parents to bring their children into the playroom at the start of the session joining in with activities to help their child settle.
  • Informing parents regularly about their child’s progress both informally on a day-to-day basis in the playroom and formally during parental interviews and in written reports if applicable.
  • Providing guidance, advice and resources to support home learning, e.g. story sacks. Parents are asked to contribute information regarding their child, e.g. family photographs, home experiences including likes and dislikes etc.
  • Making sure that parents are kept well informed of events, planned programmes of learning opportunities and meetings through notice boards, newsletters and questionnaires.
  • Encouraging parents to attend Nursery events and take part in the life of the setting in a context that they are comfortable with.
  • Ensuring that parents have opportunities to become familiar with relevant curriculums, pedagogy's and information. Facilitating workshops if applicable and relevant.
  • Summaries of the policies are detailed in the Parent Handbook and the full policies are on display or available at all times within the Nursery and Afterschool. Parents and children where applicable should be aware of their rights at all times and feel comfortable to discuss anything they are not sure about.
  • Encouraging parental support in the playrooms and providing opportunities for parents to contribute from their own skills, knowledge and interests and share these with other parents, carer's and staff to develop a 'learning together approach'.
  • Encouraging parents to help on educational visits within the local community to build knowledge, relationships and involvement in the local area and build confidence to carry these on out with the setting if appropriate.
  • Acknowledging and recording any information from parents about their child that may affect any aspects of child development.
  • Making known to the parents the system for registering queries, complaints or suggestions.
  • Informing and involving parents in the transition process to primary school

All communications with parents, staff will strive to be as sensitive as possible to the needs, apprehensions and background circumstances of the parent and their child.

In summary Staff are aware of their role to empower and support families with no judgment on individual circumstances, involvement and communication will be tailored to meet the needs of the child and family.  This aims to provide an inclusive approach accessible to all.